prudent risk management scheme in preparation for internal and external challenges, said SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala in his speech at Thailand Smart Money 2010-2011 today.The US
; as well as have clear explanations covering key factors that result in company performance and financial condition; including both external factors on industrial economic condition and internal factors
for auditing. Such information include YNPE?s external fund borrowing, appropriateness of appraisal price of company?s 3rd plant, verification on inventory at end of the accounting period, confirmation
ระยะกลางเพื่อติดตามความคืบหน้า 4. การจัดทำรายงานผลการดำเนินงาน และ 5. การจัดทำรายงานผลการตรวจสอบจากผู้ประเมินภายนอกที่เป็นอิสระ (external review) ทั้งนี้ เครืองมือทางการเงินที่ส่งเสริม transition นี้
returns and appropriate warnings about investment risks must be included. In case of using or referring to external information, the advertisements must ensure that the sources of such information are
. Such resolution is to assign director of WCIH to allocate the remaining shares of the first allotment of 43,109,380 shares. It also entrusted director to determine the subscription date and payment
than pricing as well as setting appropriate audit fees to ensure that the auditors would be able to allocate sufficient resources and working hours, contributing to a quality audit;Supporting and
for economic well-being among Thais: ?Save first and spend afterwards? and ?Allocate savings for proper investments?.?The Money? is a reality show that follows 12 participants drawn from nationwide
partnership with the CFA Institute and CFA Society Thailand in 2023 - to promote the integration of climate-related risk into equity analysis and investment decisions which will help to allocate the
registered capital increase and allocate the ordinary share increase by General Mandate for Baht 20.3 million from the registered capital Baht 121.80 million to Baht 101.50 million. 2. To increase the