1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
comparing to 2018 or 11.9% mostly due to soften Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply and lower crude oil price. Summary of Performance For Q1 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net
despite of the drastically decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q2 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 338 MTHB, increased by 59 MTHB or 21.1
or 17.2% due the drastic decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q3 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 361 MTHB, increased by 42 MTHB or
in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q1 2020, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 350 MTHB, increased by 30 MTHB or 9% comparing to Q1 2019 which
ก.ล.ต. จึงได้ให้บุคคลทั้งสองในฐานะผู้ซื้อ รวมทั้ง Ample Rich Investment Ltd. ("ARI") ในฐานะผู้ขาย แก้ไขแบบรายงานพร้อมทั้งชี้แจงรายละเอียดของการซื้อขายหุ้นดังกล่าว ในวันนี้ (30 มกราคม 2549) บุคคลและ
, decreased by 798 MTHB or 21.6% comparing to Q2 2019 due to the drastic decline in Ethylene price from ample supply and lower crude oil price, plus a result from lower sale volume as mentioned above. 2. In Q2
drastic decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In 2019, distribution costs, administrative expenses, and doubtful debt expenses was 1,390 MTHB, increased by
sales revenue of THB 2,325 million, declined from 2Q/2018 by 14%, because methyl ester price dropped in relation to crude palm oil price declined and glycerine price decreased due to ample supply. However
have any financing project as we have ample fund for working capital. Please be informed accordingly, Yours Sincerely, Mr. Soontorn Dentham Chief Executive Officer