กรอบในการประเมินระดับความพร้อมรับมือภัยคุกคามไซเบอร์สำหรับผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ (Cyber Resilience Assessment Framework- "CRAF")
แบบประเมินตนเอง (Self - Assessment Questionnaire หรือ SAQ) ด้านระบบงานสำหรับการลงทุนเพื่อบริษัทหลักทรัพย์
Legislative Drafting and Evaluation of Law B.E. 2562 (2019), any government body that upholds the power to enforce a law is required to assess effectiveness of the law within a specified time. Hence, the
consolidated financial statements, which is a record of asset impairment in the Gulita and Mid-Galoc oil fields, and the assessment of resource reserves in the Galoc field which was lower than last year. In 2017
without affecting the going concern issue of the REIT; 11 19 (5) being a full appraisal with the verification of entitled rights evidence, for the purpose of public use for disclosure to investors. Such
Therefore, the entering of this transaction being considered as Type 2 transaction under the Notification on Acquisition or Disposal of Assets. Therefore, the Company is required to immediately disclose the
https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/Download?FILEID=dat/news/201812/18113027.pdf 18113185.pdf appraisal by financial advisor. PCCA’ s operating loss of THB 0. 07 Million in 2017 was due to the low
shareholders should approve the shares acquisition in TSE to maintain its shareholdings, as the price of B10 per share is considered fair and lower than the appraisal price, while WAVE?s working capital will
price fixing is an agreement between purchaser and seller and the purchase price is not lower than the appraisal price. (Pornsiam Consultant and Service Co.,Ltd. Assets Valuer as of March 6, 2018 the
from amalgamation of THB 2,370 million or THB 1,896 million after tax. In addition, the Company has recorded impairment operating asset of THB 223 million which mostly consisted of appraisal of Oversea