, change in regulation for retirement provisioning). As a result after a very successful 2018 with over 24% topline and 30% EBITDA growth, this year has witnessed a 13% revenue and 28% consolidate EBITDA
Portion) Since March 2016, WHAUP started acquiring utilities and power assets which were previously owned by different entities in WHA Group in order to consolidate WHAUP as the group’s flagship for
ผูถือหุน 7,480 7,947 -467 -5.88 สําหรับป 2562 บริษัทฯ มีมูลคาสินทรัพยรวมและมูลคาหนี้สินรวมเพ่ิมข้ึน 3,355 ลานบาท และ 3,822 ลานบาท ตามลําดับ สวนใหญมาจากการ Consolidate อาปโก ไมอา เขามาเปนบ
ventures over 141.2 million Baht (in proportion to the holding of 51%) Million Baht Description Consolidate Joint Venture Total Differentiate % First Quarter 2019 First Quarter 2020 First Quarter 2020 First
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ผูถือหุน 7,480 7,947 -467 -5.88 สําหรับป 2562 บริษัทฯ มีมูลคาสินทรัพยรวมและมูลคาหนี้สินรวมเพ่ิมข้ึน 3,355 ลานบาท และ 3,822 ลานบาท ตามลําดับ สวนใหญมาจากการ Consolidate อาปโก ไมอา เขามาเปนบ
tasked to consolidate its asset footprint to capture combinatory synergies. Hygiene volumes were higher in 3Q19, largely due to nonwoven fabrics and strong fibers demand in North America. Mobility has also
biodiesel was 76.68% in 2018. This was similar to 75.28% in 2017 and all previous years. The profit has seen steady growth in this sector. 2.2 The refining service for Edible Oil has ratio of cost of refining
both pricing environment and handset campaigns despite lessen from previous year. Market was driven by postpaid acquisition via handset bundling package causing steady rise in blended ARPU throughout the
refining services to revenue for RBD Palm oil for biodiesel was 76.68% in 2018. This was similar to 75.28% in 2017 and all previous years. The profit has seen steady growth in this sector. 2.2 The refining