as the e-Wallet and internet package top-up. Total revenue from core businesses was Bt3,147mn, decreasing 5.7% YoY. However, as a result of the costs control measurement on both service costs and
used in Value Measurement The price negotiation between the buyer and seller is referred to the appraisal of Sasirachada Co., Ltd. which determines the project value by using the cost approach and income
lockdown measurement which has begun from the last week of March to create social distancing and contain the spread of Covid-19, as a result, businesses has been interrupted and severely affected the
costs control measurement on both service costs and administrative expenses as well as the lower financial costs, the Company’s net profit was Bt144mn, decreasing of 1.1% YoY. As at the end of 3Q19, the
ติภณัฑบ์รรจุภณัฑพ์ลาสตกิทีลดลงตํากว่ากาํลงัการผลติขนาด ประหยดั (Economy of Scale) 3. คา่ใชจ้่ายในการขายและบรหิารเพิมขึน 40.91 ลา้นบาท หรอื รอ้ยละ 9.99 โดยรายการหลกัของ คา่ใชจ้่ายทีเพิมขึนเป็นรายจา่ยใน
จากราคาวตัถุดบิ ทีเ่พิม่ขึน้ และโดยเฉพาะการใชก้ าลงัการผลติในกลุ่มผลติภณัฑบ์รรจภุณัฑพ์ลาสตกิทีย่งัต ่ากว่า ก าลงัการผลติขนาดประหยดั (Economy of Scale) 3. คา่ใชจ้่ายในการขายและบรหิารลดลง 4.22 ลา้นบาท
economic of scale of the Eastern Polypack. 3. Selling and administrative expenses is increased by 139.92 million Baht or 8.06% mainly cause by increase in expense from Aeroklas’ international operation such
economy of scale, therefore, gross margin and net margin increased to 20.08% and 5.07% respectively. There is no significantly impact on the company’s profit from the cost of raw materials factor
relatively healthier economic of scale from the insulation and automotive and accessories business in comparison to the previous year. 3. Selling and administrative expenses was increased by 75.99 million Baht
goods sold amounting to 7,243.8 million Baht was decreased by 443.9 million Baht from the previous fiscal year or 5.8% due to benefit from raw material and relatively better economic of scale. 3. Selling