Total Revenue from Sales and Services 940.57 99.57 966.99 99.47 (26.42) (2.73) Gain on Sales of Fixed Assets - - 1.00 0.10 (1.00) (100.00) Gain on Foreign Exchange Rate – Net 1.41 0.15 0.80 0.08 0.61
Ref. 66/2018 November 27, 2018 Subject : Waiver of rights to purchase ordinary shares of Dhipaya Bodin Co., Ltd. To : Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand The Board of Directors
Conversion Plan of the Company of which a plan for allocation and offering of the newly issued ordinary shares of the Company according to the Debt to Equity Conversion Scheme, was a part thereof. This would
prior to the date on which the Company’s Board of Directors has approved to dispose ordinary shares in NINE, comprising three transactions as follows: (1) the transaction of the disposal of all
January 9th, 2020 To : Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re : The acquisition of investment in Vibharam Co.,Ltd.’s new ordinary shares, and elder ordinary share which purchases from
selling expense to increase, 1Q2020 net profit reported at THB 335M or still increased by 14% YoY because of other income representing THB 423m recognized as a gain from selling share of SHR’s subsidiary
other income amounted 15.3 million Baht compared previously year 18.1 million Baht. In Year 2018, Gain on sale of land and structures held for future development in amount of 167.8 million Baht and Gain
21.68 0.57 Revenues from Services 345.62 8.26 314.47 7.56 31.15 9.91 Total Revenue from Sales and Services 4,171.13 99.68 4,118.30 98.98 52.83 1.28 Gain on Sales of Fixed Assets 3.89 0.09 31.33 0.75
4,020.85 91.07 3,825.51 91.42 195.34 5.11 Revenues from Services 380.50 8.62 345.62 8.26 34.88 10.09 Total Revenue from Sales and Services 4,401.35 99.69 4,171.13 99.68 230.22 5.52 Gain on Sales of Fixed
109.25% Income tax expenses (revenues) 2.37 4.83 -2.46 -50.96% Profit for the year 305.26 142.19 163.07 114.69% Unrealized gain on revaluation of investment held as available-for-sale 1.26 - 1.26 100