machine and equipment) (Additional) 22/12/2021 08:25 Subsidiary's related transaction (acquisition of machine and equipment) 19/08/2021 13:27 Disclosure of connected transaction by a subsidiary company 23
enter a six-digit PIN for identity authentication instead of giving their signature when swiping the card via EDC machine for the purchase of goods. Meanwhile, the government-initiated campaign of a
(%) Mr.Kudun Sukhumananda 35,750 35.75 Mr.Sarawut Krailartsiri 35,000 35.00 Mr.Ekachai Chotipitayasunon 19,500 19.50 Mr.Konggot Yongsawatdigul 9,750 9.75 Total 100,000 100.00 Detail of the asset disposal Machine
of 2019 sales growth from group mechanical and liquid products and food processing systems Gross Profit The gross profit of the Company was 193 million baht, an increase of 77 million baht or 66% Page
operation ended 31 December 2017 could summarize as follows 19004946.pdf Mechanical Piping (SMP) and Electrical and
loan underwriting, especially through our SME Business Sales Agents and digital channels. As a breakthrough in lending, KBank has employed machine learning techniques to offer loan to our SME customers
layouts electrical, mechanical systems in full scale which divided into 2 major lines, namely: civil engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering systems and real estate. Top 10 Major Shareholders(@29
เหมำะสมต่อไป 4.2 กำรจดัท ำขอ้มูลในแบบ 56-1 โดยปรับปรุงขอ้มูลในแบบ 56-1 บำงหวัขอ้ให้อยูใ่นรูปแบบ machine readable data และโปรดระบุหวัขอ้ในแบบ 56-1 ท่ีเห็นวำ่ควรปรับปรุงให้อยูใ่นรูปแบบ machine readable
transaction with the Company. Type of transaction relating to assets or services. The machines that the Company sells are 1 plastic fabric producing machine and 59 plastic sack weaving machines, totaling
*ให้ระบุสูงสุด 3 products ลำดับที่ Vendor / Product ตัวอย่าง Trend Micro 1 2 3 2.6 Virtual machine software/tool *ให้ระบุสูงสุด 3 products ลำดับที่ Vendor / Product ตัวอย่าง Vmware 1 2 3 3. Scope 3. ระบบ