should be announced soon and legal actions would be brought against the wrongdoers. As for the issue of fake SECC share certificates, the counterfeiting of certificates is possible under the current law
/2553 วันที่ตอบ: 04/03/2553 คำถาม: 1.นิติบุคคลไทยจะออกหุ้นกู้ 1 issue โดยขอวงเงินไว้ เช่น 10,000 
Social Security Scheme caused by the deviation of the past-record AdjRW advised by the Social Security Office resulting in the medical-service- fee adjustment of Baht 14.92, and 18.81 million for diagnosis
Board 2/2018 on February 22, 2018 has been approved the financial statements for year ended 31 December 2017. The basis for Qualified Opinion cause the effects of adjustment, if any, did not observe the
Baht 31.1 million Y-O-Y due primarily to lower sales delayed to 2nd half year of 2019, and a cost adjustment for employee benefits amount Baht 6.3 million (partially out of the said provision Baht 23.7
shall be fully paid-up in one lump sum in cash. However, the Company has the right to issue preferred shares, debentures, convertible debentures, and any other securities, as permitted by the laws. The
: Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 12/2561 Adjustment of the Exercise Ratio by adjusting Number of ORI-W1 and approval of the asset acquisition transaction of the company and subsidiary
Baht 0.29) The decrease of profit in amount of Baht 11.50 million comes from the following major transactions. 1. The increase of claim and adjustment expenses compared to the same period of last year in
cost. Moreover the minimum wage adjustment was increased in 2017. 2. The administrative expense has been increased due to impairment loss on investment which is the available for sale investment since
the ratio of the claim expenses (including loss adjustment expenses) over net earned premium increased from 60.22% in the previous year to 61.59% in the reported year because of the fact that the