5,300,746 0.98162 PANEL 137,205 0.07221 PAP 576,298 0.08732 PATO 281,811 0.19794 PB 303 0.00007 PCC 24,460,897 1.99417 PCSGH 2,654,600 0.17407 PDG 322,713 0.10866 PDJ 61,610,788 10.39093 PEACE 16,701,259
10.67826 PEACE 16,719,160 3.31731 PEER 19,752,588 2.49013 PERM 69,554,141 9.07237 PF 485,274,308 4.84737 PG 807,800 0.84146 PHG 1,182,204 0.39407 PHOL 254,346 0.12560 PICO 10,035 0.00466 PIMO 3,408,900
2.06044 PCSGH 3,760,300 0.24658 PDG 322,707 0.10866 PDJ 64,504,560 10.87897 PEACE 16,808,958 3.33513 PEER 19,182,673 1.81843 PERM 67,831,652 8.84770 PF 489,261,320 4.88720 PG 807,800 0.84146 PHG 1,221,159
271,411 0.19064 PB 303 0.00007 PCC 26,333,303 2.14682 PCSGH 3,967,700 0.26018 PDG 245,313 0.08260 PDJ 65,786,014 11.09510 PEACE 16,258,361 3.22588 PEER 19,079,667 1.80867 PERM 67,651,659 8.82422 PF
366,699 0.19300 PAP 696,798 0.10558 PATO 271,411 0.19064 PB 303 0.00007 PCC 26,483,599 2.15907 PCSGH 3,968,602 0.26024 PDG 245,309 0.08260 PDJ 67,132,607 11.32220 PEACE 16,203,161 3.21493 PEER 22,229,138
เพือ่พลเมอืงโลกรุ่นต่อไป (3) เศรษฐกจิและความมั่งค่ัง (Prosperity) ส่งเสริมให้ประชาชนมีความเป็นอยู่ที่ดแีละสอดคล้องกบัธรรมชาต ิ(4) สันตภิาพและความยุติธรรม (Peace) ยึดหลักการอยู่รว่มกนั อยา่งสันต ิมีสังคม
assets. The BOT also announced the guidelines for identifying and regulating Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs). Bangkok Bank, which is classified as a D-SIB, is required by the BOT to hold
. For Credit Business which will focus on loan expansions to retail and Small and Medium Enterprise segment, the goals will be on building efficiencies, creating standards, identifying new alternative
. For Credit Business which will focus on loan expansions to retail and Small and Medium Enterprise segment, the goals will be on building efficiencies, creating standards, identifying new alternative
as an integral element to achieve its long-term growth target and serves the diversification of investment risks by identifying high potential areas in prospective overseas markets. On March 23, 2019