56-2 Ranking ETC EARTH TECH ENVIRONMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking EASON EASON & CO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking ECF EAST
Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC) that ?the SEC facilitates conductive environment for asset management companies? higher competitiveness. Regulations governing fund establishment and
operators. SEC Secretary-General sough their opinions and wished to learn of their problems and obstacles in their operation in the fast-changing environment and in support of consideration in formulating
the criteria in order to keep it current. Consideration is given to the fact that the rates of fee should be equivalent, simple, and appropriate for the capital market environment , for example
organizations. The SEC will officially launch Vibhavadi Zero Waste Campaign on 4 December 2019 to celebrate the Thai Environment Day. Listed companies whose office premises or projects are located on
as the encouragement for listed companies to prioritize sustainability in business, and to become more aware of their impact on the environment, societies, and performance or Environmental, Social
sandbox license to ThaiBMA, which aims to allow innovation testing in a closed environment . The adoption of technology will shorten the issuance of bonds process and increase efficiency of overall market
) ก.ล.ต. จึงเปิดรับฟังความคิดเห็นต่อการปรับปรุงหลักการดังกล่าว โดยมีสาระสำคัญดังนี้1) การเพิ่มเติมความรู้และประสบการณ์อีก 2 ด้าน ได้แก่ ด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล (Environment, Social and
disputes, (2) policy and arrangements of the company to reveal its concerns with impacts on society, the environment and relevant parties; such as equitable treatment of employees and consumer
disputes, (2) policy and arrangements? of the company to reveal its concerns with impacts on society, the environment and relevant parties; such as equitable treatment of employees and consumer