viewed that this transaction benefits the Company. 8. Opinions of directors and/or members of Audit Committee, which differ from the aforementioned opinions of the Company’s directors -None- Yours
approve the entering into the connected transaction. 2. The opinion of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee which is different -None - Yours Sincerely, Mr.Takenori Adachi President Corporate Strategic
:// SEC warns the public of solicitation for investment in unapproved digital assets , Facebook, Line and YouTube. The public should be aware that none of the three
:// SEC warns the public of solicitation for investment in unapproved digital assets , Facebook, Line and YouTube. The public should be aware that none of the three
/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8166 SEC warns the public of solicitation for investment in unapproved digital assets , Facebook, Line and YouTube. The public should be aware that none of the three digital assets or ICOs
aware that none of the three digital assets or ICOs have applied for or obtained an approval from the SEC. Thus, anyone receiving information or solicited to
for investment in unapproved digital assets ’ decision making; (4) None of the intermediaries or selling agents under the SEC supervision have been licensed to undertake digital asset businesses; (5
for investment in unapproved digital assets ’ decision making; (4) None of the intermediaries or selling agents under the SEC supervision have been licensed to undertake digital asset businesses; (5
investment in unapproved digital assets ’ decision making; (4) None of the intermediaries or selling agents under the SEC supervision have been licensed to undertake digital asset businesses; (5) These ICOs
:// SEC warns the public of solicitation for investment in unapproved digital assets , Facebook, Line and YouTube. The public should be aware that none of the three