, compared to year 2016. 1.2 Other revenue The other revenue of company in 2017 at Bath 10.19 million, decreasing at Baht 75.38 million or 88.09% compared to year 2016, consisted of gain from land held
of fixed costs at the new factory which incurred as a result of lower-than-normal production capacity. In 1H18, administrative expenses were in the amount of Bath 61.47 million, a decrease by Baht
decreased by Baht 4.32 million. The inventory increased by Baht 8.96 million. The amount of loan lent to other businesses increased by Bath 5.00 million. The advance payment of shares and accrued interest
. • Regarding to well-prepared in cost and internal control, gross profit of food centre and restaurant business are lined with last year. 3. Financial status analysis Unit: million bath Detail June 2018 Dec 2017
% when comparing with the administrative expense recorded in 2Q18. This is mainly due to a decrease in share-based payment transaction. During 9M18, administrative expenses were in the amount of Bath 92.69
-month period and nine-month periods ended 30 September 2018 was Baht 54.6 million and Baht 31.9 million, respectively. The main reason was the allowance for diminution in value of inventories by Bath 68.3
(Twenty Eight Thousand One Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Three Hundred Forty Two Bath) This is not over 100 Million Baht but more than 3% of NTA of D.T.C. Industries Public Co., Ltd. in June 30, 2018 equal
. Sales revenue of year Q3/2018 decrease Baht 78.25 million, compared to Q3/2017. 1.2 Other revenue The other revenue of company in Q3/2018 at Bath 6.76 million, increasing at Baht 0.74 million or 12.29
2018 at Bath 37.36 million, increasing at Baht 27.17 million or 266.63 % compared to the year 2017. 1.2.1 Gain on disposal of investment property amount of 12.21 Baht million , the subsidiary has sold a
. Sales revenue of year Q3/2018 decrease Baht 78.25 million, compared to Q3/ 2017. 1.2 Other revenue The other revenue of company in Q3/ 2018 at Bath 6.76 million, increasing at Baht 0.74 million or 12.29