can monitor the guidelines for exercising the voting rights and the exercising of such rights by the management company; 6 (d) Does the mutual fund provide channels and procedures for the investors
risk management. 4. There should be an establishment of a compliance unit to supervise and monitor the operation that is independent from the management and other units. 5. Operation conducted with
1. Basic info แบบรายงานผลการตรวจสอบด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและ แผนการปรับปรุงแก้ไขข้อบกพร่อง ("แบบรายงานผล IT audit") Version: 1/2566 Confidential ภายใต้ประกาศสำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และ
and procedure for amending the trading transaction of the client in writing. Moreover, securities company shall monitor the amended transaction of the client does not violate or fail to comply with the
company shall clearly determine the method and procedure for amending the trading transaction of the client in writing. Moreover, securities company shall monitor the amended transaction of the client does
. Clause 21. A securities company shall clearly determine the method and procedure for amending the trading transaction of the client in writing. Moreover, securities company shall monitor the amended
for new employees; employees annually sign for acknowledgment of the rules and penalties; the code of conduct is publicized for employees and outsiders. 1.3 There are procedures to monitor and assess
from time to time, to allow the SEC Office to monitor compliance with this Notification, within a time period specified by the SEC Office, provided that the requirement does not cause unreasonable burden
monitor the situation closely while continuing to focus on providing support to customers and at the same time monitoring the status of customers still under financial assistance initiated during 2020
serviceability. Although the deterioration in credit quality affected profitability, but Thai commercial banking system’s remained sound as banks continued to closely monitor credit quality and maintained high