ratio to ensure that the benefits of Warrant holders are no less favorable in the event of the following: (1) when the Company changes the par value of the ordinary shares due to a consolidation or split
increase in short-term borrowings to fund the shares acquisition of GLAND and the consolidation of GLAND’s interest-bearing debt, which has a higher average cost of debt than CPN’s interest-bearing debt. As
increase in short-term borrowings to fund the shares acquisition of GLAND and the consolidation of GLAND’s interest-bearing debt, which has a higher average cost of debt than CPN’s interest-bearing debt. As
, merger or consolidation of the issuer or any of its significant subsidiaries. Examples of other material events may include: acquisitions or disposals of material assets, other than in the ordinary course
the 50.43% shares acquisition of GLAND on September 12, 2018, and the consolidation of GLAND’s interest-bearing debt. As a result, the weighted average financing cost in 3Q18 rose to 3.27% compared to
a change in the par value of the company's shares As a result of stock consolidation or stock split 2. When the company offers to sell any newly issued shares At a price that is lower than 90 percent
focus was on consolidation of branches with relatively low traffic to enhance service efficiency and maximize our sales and service quality in alignment with changing consumer behavior, as evidenced by
which the Thai equity market was one of the best-performing markets in the world with a remarkable return as high as 120%, 2004 was the year of consolidation. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index
ส่วนได้เสีย (Equity Method) มาเป็นการรวมงบการเงิน (Consolidation Method) หลงัจากการถือหุ้นเพิม่จากร้อยละ 49 เป็นรอ้ยละ 100 ในไตรมาสที ่3 ของปี 2561 ก ำไร (ขำดทุน) จำกอตัรำแลกเปล่ียน • บริษัทบันทึกก ำไรจำ
แปลงวธิกีารลงบญัชสี าหรบัส่วนแบ่ง รายไดข้องโครงการ BGYSP จากวธิสี่วนไดเ้สยี (Equity Method) มาเป็นการรวมงบการเงนิ (Consolidation Method) หลงัจากการ ถอืหุน้เพิม่จากรอ้ยละ 49 เป็นรอ้ยละ 100 ในไตรมาสที ่3