GLOW under the aforementioned Clauses (1) and (2); (b) The Company is granted approval by the relevant regulatory authority with respect to the acquisition of the GLOW shares under the aforementioned
GLOW under the aforementioned Clauses (1) and (2); (b) The Company is granted approval by the relevant regulatory authority with respect to the acquisition of the GLOW shares under the aforementioned
under the aforementioned Clauses (1) and (2); (b) The Company is granted relevant approval by the Energy Regulatory Commission with respect to the acquisition of the GLOW shares under the aforementioned
shares as adjusted to reflect changes in capital; dividends declared per share in respect of each class of shares in both the currency of the financial statements and the host country currency, including
increased due to the Company’s price adjustment with respect to OEM sales during the 1st quarter of 2020 and the Bath depreciation during the 2nd quarter of 2020. For the first 6-month period of 2019 – 2020
and non-overlapping. Therefore, when the Company enters into the Disposal of Komchadluek Business and Trademark Transaction, NBC shall not operate competitive business with the Company in any respect. 4
were Baht 421 million, an increase of 18% from the previous year, mainly from an increase in the Company’s fees paid in respect of securities trading and futures trading, and an increase in the retaining
Baht 2.74 million because its subsidiary company has improve plant some time has been fixed cost with respect to the production costs to administration expenses. (5) Expense of income tax for the year
plant some time has been fixed cost with respect to the production costs to administration expenses. (5) Expense of income tax for the six-months period ended June 30, 2017 and 2016 consisted of the
with respect to the production costs convert to administration expenses. (5) Expense of income tax for the nine-months period ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 consisted of the followings: (Unit: Million