receivable from purchase of accounts receivable from the business of purchasing non-performing loans to manage in the first quarter of 2020, a total of 595.6 million Baht, an increase from the first quarter of
Microsoft Word - MDA_T_Q22020.docx WIIK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 90 CW Tower A T + 66 (2) 6128600 Business ID 0107538000151 35th Floor, Ratchadapisek Rd. Huaykwang
shares with a par value of Baht 100 per share, in order to enhance KTMS’s business potential. The Board of Directors approved a resolution to subscribe for the newly issued share, in the total of 148,626
Microsoft Word - MDA_T_Q32020.docx WIIK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 90 CW Tower A T + 66 (2) 6128600 Business ID 0107538000151 35th Floor, Ratchadapisek Rd. Huaykwang
business which comprised of 81.22% of sale and service income in Q3 2021 remained strong and grew in line with the industry. In Thailand, customer orders were slightly slower than planned but still higher
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AGM การประเมิน Detail Content ระดับประเทศ ASEAN CG Scorecard Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Corruption Perception Index: CPI CG Watch CG-ROSC Doing Business ASEAN CG
AGM การประเมิน Detail Content ระดับประเทศ ASEAN CG Scorecard Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Corruption Perception Index: CPI CG Watch CG-ROSC Doing Business ASEAN CG
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