ทิพย์มนัส Chief Investment Officer 3. นางสาวพิณแก้ว ทรายแก้ว Chief Marketing Officer 4. นางป่ินสุดา ภู่วิภาดาวรรธน์ Chief Operating Officer 5. นางสาวจรัสรักษ์ วัฒนสิงหะ Executive Director กลุ่มจัดการลงทุน
ทิพย์มนัส Chief Investment Officer 3. นางสาวพิณแก้ว ทรายแก้ว Chief Marketing Officer 4. นางป่ินสุดา ภู่วิภาดาวรรธน์ Chief Operating Officer 5. นางสาวจรัสรักษ์ วัฒนสิงหะ Executive Director กลุ่มจัดการลงทุน
กรกฎาคม 2567) • รายช่ือคณะกรรมการจัดการ 1. นายณรงค์ศักด์ิ ปลอดมีชัย ประธานเจ้าหน้าท่ีบริหาร 2. นางนันท์มนัส เป่ียมทิพย์มนัส Chief Investment Officer 3. นางสาวพิณแก้ว ทรายแก้ว Chief Marketing Officer 4. นาง
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
. % $.% Chief Investment Officer 9 ก ก 3 32 : SCBCP3M32 3. .*ก ก Executive Director ก1ก&ก!#! ก-ก $1 & !ก"' 4. $ ' 2 2' 1 % Chief Operating Officer 5. 1 % $. 1% Executive Director ก& 'ก " 6. '.. , ก'% 0% 7
seat, and will appoint executives to hold key managerial positions, including the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The said Allocation and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the
directors to hold more than half of the board seat, and will appoint executives to hold key managerial positions, including the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The said Allocation and Offering of the
accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Peerapong Jaroon-ek) Director and Chief Executive Officer Authorized Signatory (Translation) OOrriiggiinn PPrrooppeerrttyy PPuubblliicc CCoommppaannyy LLiimmiitteedd 496, Moo