Translation (Unofficial Translation) PAGE (Unofficial Translation) Page 32 of 32 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. OrKhor./Nor. 5/2549 Re: Guidelines Rel...
Microsoft Word - OrKhorNor5-2549F.doc (Unofficial Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. OrKhor./Nor. 5/2549 Re: Guidelines Relating to Operating...
) being currently subject to a criminal complaint or legal prosecution for an offense concerning property by a relevant agency, only for a cause arising from a deceitful, fraudulent or dishonest act that
civil suits lower than that of criminal cases? Ans. Yes - ป.วิ.พ. มาตรา 104 - ป.วิ.อ มาตรา 227 1/1 6 Can shareholder plaintiffs recover their legal expenses from the company? Ans. Yes regardless of
Criminal Liability to Support Tax- related Operations in accordance with Revenue Code, B.E. 2562 (2019) This Act, which came into force March 26, 2019, stipulates that companies or juristic partnerships
having been settled the case with a fine for such offence; (d) having been pending under charge or criminal proceeding by competent authorities for the offence under (c). (5) directors, managers and any
act that results in widespread damage, either under Thai or foreign laws; (3) being currently subject to a criminal complaint or legal prosecution for an offense concerning property by a relevant agency
widespread damage, either under Thai or foreign laws; (3) being currently subject to a criminal complaint or legal prosecution for an offense concerning property by a relevant agency, only for a cause arising
หนดมาตรการลงโทษ ๑) กำรจดัให้มีมำตรกำรคุม้ครองพยำน กำรคุ ้มครองพยำนบุคคลข องสหรัฐอเมริกำบัญญัติไว้ในประมวลกฎหมำย วิธีพิจำรณำควำมอำญำ หรือทีเรียกว่ำ United States Code (USC) Title 18 Crime and Criminal
clearer understanding. Dishonesty defined as the dishonesty as prescribed in Section 1 of the Criminal Code B.E. 2499 (1956) which means doing any act in order to procure, for himself or the other person