securities brokerage or securities dealing which is not limited to debt instruments or investment units; (4) “ institutional client ” means a person who makes transactions with a securities company in
securities brokerage or securities dealing which is not limited to debt instruments or investment units; (4) “institutional client” means a person who makes transactions with a securities company in securities
securities brokerage or securities dealing which is not limited to debt instruments or investment units; (4) “institutional client” means a person who makes transactions with a securities company in securities
securities company licensed to undertake securities business in the category of brokerage, dealing or underwriting limited to investment units; (4) “ mutual fund management company ” means a securities company
securities company licensed to undertake securities business in the category of brokerage, dealing or underwriting limited to investment units; (4) “mutual fund management company” means a securities company
Management Discussion and Analysis For the first quarter ended March 31, 2019 Kiatnakin Bank Public Company Limited Investor Relations Email: Tel. +66-2495-1366
signed in 2019 for 15 MW. WHA Water Co.,Ltd, a subsidiary of WHAUP had signed a 15-year contract for demineralized water sales to Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) with capacity of 6,000
1 บริษัท เอ็นซีแอล อินเตอรเ์นช่ันแนล โลจิสติกส ์จ ำกัด (มหำชน) NCL INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED ที่ NCL-M 15/62 วนัที่ 13 สงิหาคม 2562 เรื่อง ค าอธิบายและวิเคราะห์ของฝ่ายจัดการของ
a 4-storey office building with total area of 4,446.72 sqm from Noble Development Public Company Limited (Noble) at total investment of THB 800,000,000. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 2Q 2019 14
Malee Group Public Company Limited and Its Subsidiaries Management Discussion and Analysis For the Q2/2019 and H1/2019 ended 30 June 2019 1. Q2/2019 Highlights Figure 1: Quarterly results In Q2