which the reporting person deposits with other person(s) or has other person(s) hold on his behalf. 6 In case of complex shareholding structure of the reporter or concert party in a juristic person under
complex shareholding structure of the reporter or concert party in a juristic person under Section 258, for example multiple levels of shareholding structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall
on the total number of voting rights of the business. 5 Including securities which the reporting person deposits with other person(s) or has other person(s) hold on his behalf. 6 In case of complex
. 5 Including securities which the reporting person deposits with other person(s) or has other person(s) hold on his behalf. 6 In case of complex shareholding structure of the reporter or concert party
has other person(s) hold on his behalf. 6 In case of complex shareholding structure of the reporter or concert party in a juristic person under Section 258, for example multiple levels of shareholding
. 5 Including securities which the reporting person deposits with other person(s) or has other person(s) hold on his behalf. 6 In case of complex shareholding structure of the reporter or concert party
12 หลงัจำกท่ีระบบ OFAR ไดรั้บขอ้มูลท่ีท่ำนส่งแลว้ ระบบจะตรวจสอบขอ้มูลในเชิงลึก (Complex Validation) หำกไม่พบขอ้ผดิพลำด ผูส่้งขอ้มูลจะไดรั้บเมลแจง้ยนืยนักำรรับขอ้มูลภำยใน 10-15 นำที ขั้นตอน กำรส่งขอ้มูล
process.” ให้คลิก “Continue” เพื่อสิ้นสุดขั้นตอนกำรส่งข้อมูลผ่ำนระบบ OFAR 10 หลังจำกที่ระบบ OFAR ได้รับข้อมูลที่ท่ำนส่งแล้ว ระบบจะตรวจสอบข้อมูลในเชิงลึก (Complex Validation) หำกไม่พบข้อผิดพลำด ผู้ส่งข้อมูล
%, compared to the same period of last year. As the Company recorded deferred revenue from selling assets to WHA Business Complex Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (“WHABT”) on 6 November 2015
the previous factory to the new factory complex located on Bang Pakong district, Chacheongsao province amounted to THB 6 million and consulting fees in related to the overseas businesses amounted to THB