where a derivatives business operator is a securities company having the duty to prepare and disclose the financial statements in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), if the
where a derivatives business operator is a securities company having the duty to prepare and disclose the financial statements in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), if the
.... Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options Trading in Derivatives Exchange Date……………………………… We,……………[company name]………….…,who are a derivatives agent, hereby certify that Mr/Miss/Mrs
companies from possessing characteristics of an investment company in investments without active involvement in management. This includes investments in securities, derivatives or digital assets at a
ธุรกิจ (DABIR010002) ข้อมูลเดือน : กรกฎาคม 2566 ข้อมูล ณ วันที่ : 16/8/2023 8:58:00 Company OTC https://dividend.sec.or.th/stat-report/DA_EXCHANGE_202307_TH.xlsx LCS_REGIST01_TH.xlsx LCSR010008.rdl Page 1
securities issuers / listed companies from possessing characteristics of an investment company in investments without active involvement in management. This includes investments in securities, derivatives or
: กรกฎาคม 2566 ข้อมูล ณ วันที่ : 16/8/2023 8:58:00 Company OTC https://dividend.sec.or.th/stat-report/DA_EXCHANGE_202307_TH.xlsx LCS_REGIST01_TH.xlsx LCSR010008.rdl Page 1 of 1 (Record: 27) ชื่อรายงาน
positions, who are responsible for the asset custody function https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/2095pe.doc Translation or a group of persons who authorized a management company to manage a private fund; “Liquid
+OR+%22electronic+possession%22+OR+%22elect... English (United States) CMSB_Pornchai Company Limited Director, Krungthai Asset Management Trainings Advanced Audit Committee Program, Institute of
asset or business opportunity of the company in contravention to the rule or general practice as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. SECTION 89/12 A https