and allowance for doubtful accounts of 344 million Baht (6% of total revenues), increasing by 144% as compared to the same period last year of (778) million Baht. Significant event in Q2 2018 On 6 April
FX losses was only accounting implication and did not affect the Company’s cash flow or its operating performance. • Finance costs decreased by 26.1%, mainly from significant decrease in cost of fund
and Buildings since such Land and Buildings do not have a very large area, and the Company does not optimize the use of it. Such disposal of assets does not have significant impact on the Company’s core
the THB that affected the value of the Company’s overseas assets. • Net debt to equity ratio as of 31 December 2019 stood at 0.48x, an improvement from 0.55x in 31 December 2018. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS
resulted in travel restriction, lockdown and other precautionary measures imposed in various countries including Thailand. This outbreak has brought significant economic uncertainties in Thailand and markets
overseas assets • Net debt to equity ratio at the end of 2Q 2020 stood at 0.98x, an increase from 0.48x on 31 December 2019 2Q 2020 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS Impacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) COVID-19
2,516.29 million, respectively. Management Discussion and Analysis For the Three-month and Six-month Periods Ended 30 June, 2020 Page 3 1. Significant Events of the 2 nd Quarter of 2020 Thanh Phong Wind
was temporarily closed; only take-home order was allowed at branch March 22nd Partial Bangkok lockdown 1H/2020 Significant Events After You launched 4 Seasonal Menus during H1/2020 After You has been
PowerPoint Presentation MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS A f t e r Y o u P u b l i c C o m p a n y L i m i t e d Q2/2021 Financial PerformanceExecutive Summary Significant Events 2 Management
invest for leadership both on network quality and customer perception. Significant Event in 3Q21 1. In Sep-21, AIS entered into a settlement on some of the legal disputes with National Telecom Public