, comprise decrease of interest rate of loans from commercial bank since the second quarter of 2022. 6 Tax expense Q3-2021 Q2-2022 Q3-2022 9M-2021 9M-2022 THB Mn THB Mn THB Mn %QoQ %YoY THB Mn THB Mn %YoY Tax
65.75% Total current assets 875.73 1,522.44 (646.71) (42.48%) Restricted bank deposits 56.01 56.40 (0.39) (0.69%) Property, plant and equipment 1,330.03 1,376.73 (46.70) (3.39%) Other non-current assets
/ Intranet Zone of Government Saving Bank, and the Project of the development central digital platform to connect social security services to the insured specifically of the Social Security Office, etc
1,076.24 1,522.44 (446.20) -29.31% Restricted bank deposits 56.40 56.40 0.00 0.00% Property, plant and equipment 1,346.28 1,376.73 (30.45) -2.21% Other non-current assets 2.33 3.04 (0.70) -23.17% Total
increase 10.1% QoQ from Baht 32.6 million to Baht 35.9 million, increasing Baht 3.3 million, mainly derived from increasing in MLR of the commercial bank in the fourth quarter of 2022. The interest rate in
for obtaining an approval of the offer for sale of sukuk shall have the following qualifications: (1) being financial institution which has obtained an approval from Bank of Thailand to undertake
ratio Financial institution loan to the sum of debt ratio - In the case that the issuer is a commercial bank, a summary of the financial position and the results of the operation shall be presented in
” means: (a) a commercial bank, finance company or credit foncier company under the law governing financial institution businesses; (b) an insurance company under the law governing non-life insurance or
Securities Char(1) 1 O Payment Type 0 =Cheque 1 =Bank Account ไม่ระบุเม่ือไม่ก าหนดวิธีการ รับสิทธิ Amount (Baht) n(18,2) 18 M Amount of securities มูลค่าหุน้ท่ีถือ 1000__________ ช่ือหัวตาราง ประเภท ข้อมูล
, the SEC Office, the Bank of Thailand, the Thai Bond Market Association and any other organizations that monitor and examine goods or variables for the benefit of supervision of derivatives, goods or