. However, PCCA’s strength is its high gross profit margin ranging between approximately 42 percent – 52 percent during the period between 2017 and 2015, including the fact that PCCA’s manufacturing plant has
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Meeting Arrangement and Approval of Interim Dividend Payment According to the current situation of COVID-19 that has high possibility to become more severe: spreading widely, Therefore, the conclusions of
Eco World Developer Pte. Ltd (“WERW”) ตามสัญญาร่วมทุนเพื่อ พฒันาและบริหารงาน High-end lifestyle resorts บนเกาะ 3 ในโครงการ Crossroads ดว้ยราคาซ้ือขายหุ้นมูลค่า 16.2 ลา้นเหรียญสหรัฐ ทั้งน้ีการออกแบบและ
Interim Dividend Payment According to the current situation of COVID-19 that has high possibility to become more severe: spreading widely, Therefore, the conclusions of the Board of Directors (BOD) annual
continue to be major challenges. However, with a relatively high level of capital and the regular setting aside of additional provisions, commercial banks can still maintain an adequate cushion for NPL in
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