Phatra Equity Market Neutral Asia Pacific Fund โดยในดา้นการด าเนินงานจะมีการประสานงานกนัอยา่งใกลชิ้ดทั้งในส่วนของธุรกิจธนาคาร พาณิชยแ์ละธุรกิจตลาดทุน กลุ่มธุรกิจฯ ไดมี้การตั้งเป้าหมายทางธุรกิจใน 3 เร่ือง
within its sustainability strategy is made on the decarbonisation of its operations and value chain. The Issuer has reported to be carbon neutral since 2019, by investing in nature-based solutions
ผลประกอบการทางการเง ิน (bottom line ด้าน profit) แต่กลายเป็น Triple bottom lines (3Ps) ได้แก่ Profit Planet และ People รวมถึงการดำเนินธุรกิจเพื ่อบรรลุ เป้าหมาย Carbon neutral ทั้งนี้ แม้ว่ากระแสตอบรับ
. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 1Q18, DI focusing on long-term investment
Arbitrage investment strategy as well as issuing and offering financial structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral
structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2018, DI focusing on long-term
Arbitrage investment strategy as well as issuing and offering financial structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral
, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2Q17, DI focusing on long-term investment with value based investment philosophy recorded gain on investment including gain on re
, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2Q17, DI focusing on long-term investment with value based investment philosophy recorded gain on investment including gain on re
financial structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 3Q17, DI focusing