of the firm's assets as shown on equation Mackie Mason (1988) study on tax effects on asset values and investment decision and find that non debt tax shield e.g. the amount of tax carry forward or tax
PROSPECTUS CHANEL CERES PLC (incorporated with limited liability in England and Wales) EUR300,000,000 Sustainability-Linked Guaranteed Notes due 2026 unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by Chanel Limited Issue price: 99.726 per cent. and EUR300,000,000 Sustainability-Linked Guaranteed Notes due 2031 unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by Chanel Limited Issue price: 99.400 per cent. The EUR300,000,000 Sustainability-Linked Guaranteed Notes due 2026 (the "2026 Notes") and the EUR300,...
. ปัจจยัหรือเหตุกำรณ์ท่ีอำจมีผลต่อฐำนะกำรเงินหรือกำรด ำเนินงำน อยำ่งมีนยัส ำคญัในอนำคต (Forward looking) ข้อสงวนสิทธิ ขอ้มูลท่ีปรำกฎอยูใ่นเอกสำรน้ีถูกจดัเตรียมข้ึนจำกขอ้มูลหลำยแหล่งและอำจมีขอ้มูลบำงส่วนท่ีทำ
สิ้นเช่ือจำกกำรซ้ือลูกหน้ี 3.4. กำรกระจุกตวัของทรัพยสิ์นรอกำรขำย 4. อตัรำส่วนทำงกำรเงินท่ีส ำคญั 5. ปัจจยัหรือเหตุกำรณ์ท่ีอำจมีผลกระทบต่อฐำนะกำรเงินหรือกำรด ำเนินงำนอยำ่งมีนยัส ำคญัในอนำคต (Forward
: Operating EBITDA is EBITDA excluding Inventory Gain/Loss (net NRV), one-time item and Gain/(Loss) from foreign currencies forward contract. The Refinery and Oil Trading Business is still affected by Gross
operating results from GLOW, together with the investment projects and projects that have been opened for commercial operation in 2019. The company is ready to move forward with the new organizational
เช่ือจำกกำรซ้ือลูกหน้ี 3.4. กำรกระจุกตวัของทรัพยสิ์นรอกำรขำย 4. อตัรำส่วนทำงกำรเงินท่ีส ำคญั 5. ปัจจยัหรือเหตุกำรณ์ท่ีอำจมีผลกระทบต่อฐำนะกำรเงินหรือกำรด ำเนินงำนอยำ่งมีนยัส ำคญัในอนำคต (Forward looking
acceptable international standards among different capital markets is considered the driving force to stimulate cross-border investments, and thus propelling such integration and linkages forward. Being
sufficiency of information provided by corporations for investors and stakeholders to make well informed decisions. In driving forward a sustainable value creation, we will continue working with Sustainable
Describe the organizational sustainability management policy which is in harmony with the business directions and strategies to reflect the intention and determination to drive forward the business by taking