multi-jurisdictional offering documents, the Scheme will aid investors in making informed decisions as well as providing them with greater investments choices?.Mr. Shane Tregillis, Deputy Managing
resolutions on the approval of investment in the other company which is related legal entity. The detail of the transaction is in attachment. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, (Mr.Surin
WELL GRADED ENGINEERING PLC. บริษัท เวล เกรด เอ็นจิเนียริง่ จ ำกัด (มหำชน) 50/1203 หมู่ 9 ต ำบลบำงพูด อ ำเภอปำกเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี 11120 โทร. 02-9817992-4 แฟกซ์ 02-9817995 No. WGE ELCID 2563/002
WELL GRADED ENGINEERING PLC. บริษัท เวล เกรด เอ็นจิเนียริง่ จ ำกัด (มหำชน) 50/1203 หมู่ 9 ต ำบลบำงพูด อ ำเภอปำกเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี 11120 โทร. 02-9817992-4 แฟกซ์ 02-9817995 No. WGE ELCID 2563/001
Microsoft Word - MDA ENG 9M63 WELL GRADED ENGINEERING PLC. บรษิทั เวล เกรด เอน็จเินียรงิ จํากดั (มหาชน) / หมู่ ตําบลบางพูด อําเภอปากเกรด็ จงัหวดันนทบุร ี โทร. - - แฟกซ์ - No. WGE ELCID 2563/002
Limited are not the same entity and from the question to Mr. Viroj Tangjettanaporn, the Company was informed that Chit Lom Limited and Mr. Viroj Tangjettanaporn does not have any relationship or connection
No. TorChor. 72/2558 for the payment and the receipt of the second portion of shares as well. In case where S-TREK’s audited financial statements for 12-month period ending on 31 December 2019 to
potential feedstocks which has been studied and researched well. However, fuel materials cost of Natural Gas Power Plant increased by Baht 112.9 million or 12.4 percent because of increase in natural gas
potential feedstocks which has been studied and researched well. However, fuel materials cost of Natural Gas Power Plant increased by Baht 112.9 million or 12.4 percent because of increase in natural gas
Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, shall be authorized to make a change of and an addition to wordings in order to comply with the order of the registrar as well as carry out any necessary or