-backed ICO with a proper mechanism to protect investors’ rights. 1. Appoint a trustee to protect digital token holders’ interests. Trustee will possess real estate or hold shares of special-purpose entity
contracts to be another underlying asset in addition to the current real estate and shares of special purpose vehicles ( SPV ) which hold real estate accounting for at least 75 percent of the voting rights of
company intend to hold them until the maturity; (3) Investing in investment units of open-end fund under management of such mutual fund management company, provided that, just in the case which the company
which management company intend to hold them until the maturity; (3) Investing in investment units of open-end fund under management of such mutual fund management company, provided that, just in the case
liquidity of management company; (2) Investing in instruments having the time to maturity less than one year in which management company intend to hold them until the maturity; (3) Investing in investment
และในหลายครั้งไมอาจปรับโครงสรางภายใตประกาศดังกลาวขางตนได เนื่องจากจํากัด ขอบเขตไวเฉพาะ holding co. (“hold co.”) ที่ต้ังใหม หรือบริษทัจดทะเบียนเทานัน้ การปรับโครงสราง จึงตองใชข้ันตอนปกติตาม
the period the Group has invested in 3 associated company as follow; - Sales and installation of tools and machinery, hold 47.50% of paid-up capital with initial investment of 1.42 Million Baht - Repair
: กำหนด single entity limit ของ retail MF ดังนี้ (1) กองทุน buy & hold ไม่เกิน 10% ของ NAV  
, the Company has rights to extend contracts with EFL for another 2 years at the current rate of fees. The sponsorships are aimed to envision the image of “World Class Brand, World Class Product” and to
expanded our business offerings from the traditional offline Out-of-Home (“OOH”) media to embrace an integrated offline and online platform. Now, we envision ourselves as a unique market leader in Thailand