minerals), with ≥ 50% biomass-based products produced for energy use. Energy production facilities using feedstock in scope Heating/cooling, and co-generation facilities using biofuel/biomass Traditional
equal to 91.52%. Therefore, the size of transaction is calculated according to the criterion on total value of consideration. Therefore, the acquisition of IGE's existing ordinary shares is classified as
assumption that the Bank will acquire 100% stake in Permata (both under the CSPA and through the mandatory tender offer to be conducted thereafter), using the value of net tangible asset criterion, which gives
demonstrated to be met if the plant is to be considered as eligible under this Criterion. Note that it is not necessary to remove all the dense and film plastics. The qualifying limit can be achieved through
from a 2018 base year: 16 The annual linear intensity reduction of SPT 2 is 3.33% per year: Therefore, SPT 2 meets the scope 3 target ambition criterion for targets that do not lead to increases in
(traditional trade) เดิมบริษัทฯ ได้แต่งตัง้บริษัทกระจำยสินค้ำขนำดใหญ่รำยหนึ่ง เป็นผู้กระจำยสินค้ำในช่องทำงดังกลำ่ว มีผลตัง้แต่ช่วงไตรมำส 1/2561 ต่อมำในไตรมำส 2/2562 บริษัทฯได้พิจำรณำยกเลิกสญัญำกบัผู้กระจำยรำยดัง
ลำ้นบำท ลดลงรอ้ยละ 41.66 รำยไดจ้ำกกำรขำยในประเทศลดลงรอ้ยละ 43.82 เมื่อเทียบกบัปีก่อนเป็นผล จำกกำรที่บริษัทฯไดร้บัผลกระทบจำกช่องทำงขำยแบบดั้งเดิม (traditional trade) เดิมบริษัทฯไดแ้ต่งตั้งบริษัทกระจำย
declined by 11.3% YoY to 26,185mn in 1Q 2017/18. The TV sector with the highest market share at 66.3% fell 13.7% YoY to THB 17,359mn and Traditional media (Newspaper, Magazines and Radio) with a 13.1% market
progress came merely from distributing through certain traditional trade and modern trade channels ICUK successfully signed in for listing year to date only. As a consequence, ICUK has reshaped its business
167k cans in the 1st quarter of 2017 to 368k cans in the 2nd quarter of 2017, such progress came merely from distributing through certain traditional trade and modern trade channels ICUK successfully