, learn from the procedures and case studies of other regulatory bodies, and apply them to Thailand’s oversight landscape on par with international practice. In 2017, we regularly arranged staff training
ด้าน AML/CFT • จัดทำบทศึกษำฉำกทัศน์ธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์ “Landscape of Thai securities businesses after Covid-19 and under digital disruption”: ก.ล.ต. จัดจ้าง ธนาคารโลกทาบทศึกษาฉากทัศน์ธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์ไทย
landscape due to digital disruption. KBank thus put in place more stringent customer screening criteria, particularly for small and micro businesses as well as retail customers, while the Bank also sought to
คือ กำรจัดทำ landscape สำหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน พร้อมทั้งกำรจัดทำแม่แบบและคำแนะนำรวมทั้งกำรวัด ควำมสำเร็จ เ พ่ือช ่วยสนับสนุนสิ่ งที่บริษัทจดทะเบียน ควรดำเนินกำรซึ่งเหมำะสมกับขนำดและรำยอุตสำหกรรม ประชุมคณะ
Annual Report 2010 ANN UAL REPORT 2010 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND ASEAN ECONOMIC COM MUN ITY Vision S = Setting High Standard E = Ethical C = Committed Pro = Professional Mission Core value: SEC-Pro The SEC develops and supervises the Thai capital market to ensure efficiency, fairness, transparency and integrity. The SEC is to establish the Thai capital market as an important alternative for investors and fund raisers with an efficient mechanism for investor empowerment and, in...
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND ANNUAL REPORT 2014ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CONTACT INFORMATION This report can be downloaded from www.sec.or.th For more information about this report, please contact: SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND 333/3 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chomphon, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900 Tel. 1207 or +66 2695 9999 e-mail: info@sec.or.th This 2014 Annual Report is about policies, strategies and performance of the SEC. We aim to supervise and develop the Thai...