consolidated net profit of THB 5,983 mn, an increase of 155.4% from the same period of the previous year (YoY). Total revenue stood at THB 11,198 mn, an increase of 53.0% YoY. Excluding a non-recurring item
, increased by 1,778 MTHB comparing to 2016 or 13% as a result of higher sales volume and Ethylene and Glycerin price increase. The rise of Ethylene price was influenced by both tight Ethylene supply from
rapid increase of the number of Internet users; and the growing recognition of these media as effective advertising and marketing tools. Within the OOH media landscape, the trend has shifted from the sole
in total of THB 36.80 million, an increase of THB 18.39 million or 99.89% from the same period of previous year according to the rise of balance of convertibled debentures. - Translation - JKN GLOBAL
%, correspondingly. Such reduction in gross profit margin was caused by change in product mix, rise in production costs and increase in packaging cost purchased from external party. Gross profits margin from domestic
recognition from its completion within this period. 2. Cost of construction increases in the amount of Baht 31.52 million or 38.13% when compared to the same period of the year 2016 which is related to the rise
MTHB, increased by 885 MTHB comparing to 2016 or 29.1% due to higher sales volumes plus Ethylene and Glycerin price increase. The rise of Ethylene price was caused by turnaround of North East Asia
increased 14.30 million baht or 1.18% comparing to the same period last year, mainly from the rise of labour wages and the cost of automation system improvement. 3. Selling and Administrative Expense
rise and backed by high caliber human resources. The SEC views that PE trust will be an effective financial solution for the industries to penetrate the international markets with even more creative
were liable to be offenses related to insider trading that caused the rise of the CHG share price. The inside information that Dr. Kumpol became aware of or possessed was CHG’s operating results for