established under following Notifications: (1) Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission on Rules, Conditions and Procedures on Establishment and Management of Property Fund to Solve the Problem in
company. Committees appointed by the board of directors to consider in what form and how much directors and top executives should be compensated. A body appointed by the board of directors and charged with
circumstance and/or to settle debts. 13. Approved to propose to the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to consider and approve the increase of the Company’s registered capital by THB 229,055,854.70
Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak with continued rising reported confirmed cases, the government has requested that the private sector consider postponing activities that involve large gathering of people which
from the loss in the business of personal loan, mobile phone, and hire purchase. The Company was therefore aware of the problem and decided to resolve so that the future performance returned to normal as
(settlement date) ก็คือวันที่ลูกค้าส่งคำสั่งเพื่อปิดสัญญา (Settle Sell or Settle Buy order) แม้ในสัญญา คู่สัญญามิได้ตกลงกันว่าจะทำการส่งมอบสินค้ากันในวันใดแต่ถ้าพยานหลักฐานแสดงให้เห็นว่าจะส่งมอบกันในอนาคต
โดยสภาพไม่สามารทำการหักกลบลบหนี้กับคู่สัญญาอีกฝ่ายหนึ่ง(set-off) ชำระเงินหรือส่วนต่างของราคาสินค้า(settle by cash) หรือสร้างฐานะในทางตรงข้ามเพื่อลบล้างหน้าที่การส่งมอบได้ ตามประกาศที่ กย. 4/2547 ข้อ 2(3
Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, consider, agree, certify, sign and/or execute any documents that related to the transaction in order to the complete the objectives. Today, the Company has entered
the Stock Exchange of Thailand (“SET”) as follows: 1. Approving to propose to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 to consider and approve the Company to purchase the ordinary
exceeding 200 million baht during assets disposition process Agenda 3 To consider the transactions on assets disposition between the Company and investors and/or connected person 3.1 Printing plant and