Director’s Meeting of the After the transaction’s completion, CRSB will hold NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up capital and appoint ”), to be NDR’s director. In addition, the size of as of September
Director’s Meeting of the After the transaction’s completion, CRSB will hold NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up capital and appoint ”), to be NDR’s director. In addition, the size of as of September
NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up capital and appoint NDR’s director. In addition, the size of as of September 30, 2017. The stated value is So the Company needs an approval of connected of
Meeting of the After the transaction’s completion, CRSB will hold NDR’s ordinary shares for 20.31% of paid-up capital and appoint NDR’s director. In addition, the size of as of September 30, 2017. The
for project development of not more than Baht 15,000 million will result in the total transaction value of not more than Baht 29,500 million, equivalent to the highest transaction size of 71.81 percent
of not more than Baht 15,000 million2 will result in the total transaction value of not more than Baht 29,500 million, equivalent to the transaction size of 71.81 percent as calculated based on the
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At present, money market funds are used by investors as a tool to manage liquidity and a place to park money for a short time, besides keeping it in banking accounts. As of February 2018, the size of