which operate in February 10, 2018 (last year has expense from registering the company only), In addition, the Group have adjusted employee and management remuneration as usual every year. As a result
income. Public spending also increased from spending on goods and services and compensation expenses while capital spending declined from the high base effect of last year from the disbursement of
the company entering into the disposition transaction of the land to the connected party. Remuneration policy : Determine the compensation from the land appraisal price of the property appraiser and the
Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) in order to give opinion on the company entering into the disposition transaction of the land to the connected party. Remuneration policy : Determine the compensation from
Committee, Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited • Independent Director, Member of Audit Committee, and Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Thai Solar Energy Public Company Limited
1 แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ (แบบ 69-ASEAN) แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ กรณีบรษัิทไทยเสนอขายหลักทรัพยใ์นไทยและประเทศกลุม่อาเซยีนพรอ้มกนัหรอืในเวลาใกลเ้คยีงกนั Registration Statement for Thai-incorporated Company to offer for sale of securities in Thailand and ASEAN member country simultaneously or in proximate period (ชือ่บรษัิททีเ่สนอขายหลักทรัพย)์ (Commercial Name of the Issuer) - ใหร้ะบลุกัษณะทีส่ าคญัของหลักทรัพยท์ีเ่สนอขาย เชน่ ประเภทหลกัทรัพย ์จ านวน ราคาเสนอขายต...
Information & Profit Forecast แนวโนมและประมาณการผลกําไรในอนาคต VI. DIRECTORS, SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES A. Directors and Senior Management กรรมการและผูบริหาร B. Compensation คาตอบแทน C. Board practice
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, is in the process of nominate a qualified and appropriate person to be a director for a vacant position. If there is any progress, the Company shall further inform the
operations incurred compared to total revenues were 65.8% and 68.6% repectively. This increase stemmed from doctor fee, renumeration, and any other fringe benefits, which resulted from the increase of Medical
81.93 million of 1st quarter of year 2018. Sales and administrative expenses (Special entry) was Baht 18.59 million result from compensation for loss of production cost which increased comparing to the