the date when the transaction disclosed to The Stock Exchange of Thailand. 4. Details of the Asset Acquired The Sole Area Development Franchise under Trademark “Wuttisak Clinic” in Eastern Region; and
sales for Halcyon Tools and Engineering Co., Ltd. (HENG), a subsidiary distributor in the Eastern Region established in Q4/2016. HENG had a total revenue of THB 2.47 million in 2016, and THB 39.70 million
) โครงการ Cross-border Public Offers of ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (3) โครงการ Asia Region Funds Passport” ขอ้ 2 ประกาศน้ีใหใ้ชบ้งัคบัตั้งแต่วนัท่ี 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2563 เป็นตน้ไป ประกาศ ณ วนัท่ี 28
in Q1/2018 compared to previous year. Halcyon Tools and Engineering Co., Ltd. (HENG), a subsidiary distributor in the Eastern Region have been growing continuously since its establishment in Q4/2016
distributor in the Eastern Region have been growing continuously since its establishment in Q4/2016 with a revenue growth of 35.80% from THB 18.34 million to THB 24.91 million in the six-month period in Q2/2018
the nine-month period in Q3/2018 compared to previous year. Halcyon Tools and Engineering Co., Ltd. (HENG), a subsidiary distributor in the Eastern Region have been growing continuously since its
, decreased by 6.4% compared to last year. Sales revenues reported at Baht 1,407.1 million, decreased by 6.0% mostly due to slower sales in B2B – ASEAN Region while domestic sales stood at par to last year
vehicles demand locally and globally. However, due to the open up of the economy in most part of the region, INGRS have resumed our Malaysia (5 May 2020) and India (14 May 2020) operations after the
markets in the region networking among members in exchanging experiences and recent updates on policies and regulatory frameworks for digital assets . Recent updates from MAS on regulatory measures for
markets in the region networking among members in exchanging experiences and recent updates on policies and regulatory frameworks for digital assets . Recent updates from MAS on regulatory measures for