รวมถงึการใชร้ะบบ การบรหิารโครงข่ายแบบอตัโนมตั ิ(Autonomous network) ที่จะช่วยให้การใช้งบลงทุนในโครงข่ายและต้นทุนโครงข่ายมปีระสทิธภิาพสงูขึน้ ทัง้นี้ เนื่องจากเอไอ เอสตัง้เป้าในการเป็นผู้น าในบริการ 5G
(Digital Life Service Provider) สู่ Cognitive Tech-Co ดว้ยการพฒันารากฐานส าคญั 3 แกน ไดแ้ก่ โครงขา่ยอตัโนมตัิ (Autonomous Network), ระบบไอทอีจัฉรยิะ (IT Intelligence) และ การวเิคราะหข์อ้มลู (Data Analytics
for tourists. Considering the support from the government for the project, the Minister and the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Tourism Authority of Thailand agree to
Program to create more tourism areas and provide more options for tourists. Considering the support from the government for the project, the Minister and the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Tourism
provide more options for tourists. Considering the support from the government for the project, the Minister and the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Tourism Authority of
during the testing phase since spot ethylene availability at low cost can meet our captive needs. We foresee start up of this facility on a permanent basis starting Jan 2020. The segment earned a core
recommendation of the Minister of Finance, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and the Governor of the Bank of Thailand and at least four but not
recommendation of the Minister of Finance, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and the Governor of the Bank of Thailand and at least indicated
procurement. (In case of financial institution, specify the sources of capital and loans); (4) Assets used in business undertaking Describe the key characteristics of the core permanent assets and core
overseas procurement. (In case of financial institution, specify the sources of capital and loans); (4) Assets used in business undertaking Describe the key characteristics of the core permanent assets and