which include preventive measures on conflict of interest, chinese wall as well as risk management; and (7) Have good operating system equipped with qualified staff in place.
has also prompted the Federal Reserve and other major central banks to signal that no more rate hikes will be seen over the remainder of this year. In Thailand, most major economic indicators were on
issued epidemic control measures for COVID 2019. The Company and its subsidiaries (“the Group” ) had fully cooperated to help reducing the spread of infection and coming first the consideration of customer
investors. The key indicators and changes regarding to the operating performance and financial status are as follows: 1. Operating Performance of the Company for the second quarter ended 30 June 2017 1.1
that focuses on financial reporting process and sufficient arrangement of relevant resources. For example, attaching the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of company management to financial reporting
PowerPoint Presentation กรอบค ำแนะน ำของ TCFD ในบริบทกำรจัดกำรลงทุน Governance Strategy Risk Management Metrics and Targets 1) หลักธรรมำภิบำล (governance) โดยองค์กรควรก ำกับดูแล ควำมเสี่ยงและโอกำสที่
derivatives exchange shall notify the derivatives clearing house of relevant trading transactions rapidly upon execution of such transactions. Clause 8 A derivatives exchange shall establish sufficient measures
well as other marketplaces e.g. Shopee, Lazada etc. Industry Overview Thai economy in 4Q19 was slowdown. On the domestic front, private consumption indicators suggested expansion in all spending
that Thailand's 2020 GDP will fall by -6.7%, which is close to the Tom Yam Kung crisis. There are measures to stop living at home to stop the infection to stop the transmission of the corona virus 2019
from both domestic and international demand which were impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and various severe measures for controlling the outbreak. Therefore it affected to the economic