about saving and investment. Commercial banks and the TBAC are therefore pleased to be part of this important campaign and would like to confirm our commitment to further help promote sound financial
&+=&' &&) 1 . >K)6782*+*%%,*7821%,:+ (=*6 lead %? co-underwriter) %? . >K)6782*+*%* . 782*+*%%,?) (sub-underwriter) g8 &)9@26.9 h 1 . =+2 8 *+*%%, %+28 +=&' 1.1 8 1%,&)&*+*% (sub-underwriting commitment) =+2
ลงทนุ (minimum commitment) และทยอยเบิกเงินลงทุนเป็นงวด ๆ ซ่ึงส านักงานได้พิจารณาและเห็นว่า ลักษณะดังกล่าวถือเป็นการเข้าผูกพันจากการ ท าสัญญาตามมาตรา 126 (5) แห่ง พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ ทั้งนี้ ส านักงานจะ
“commitment” means the commitment between a unitholder and a mutual fund management company according to the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board regarding commitments between unitholders and
commitment to buy REIT units at an amount not less than specified under Clause 24/1(2). Clause 11 In case the units are categorized into classes, the following rules shall apply: (1) units in the same class
of loyalty). . . . . . . . . 2.4 ç°√√¡°“√é µâÕß√—∫º‘¥µàÕ°“√‰¡à√—°…“Àπâ“∑’ˇ撬߄¥ . . à«π∑’Ë 2 ∫∑∫“∑Àπâ“∑’Ë¢Õߧ≥–°√√¡°“√ . . . . . . . . . . . . (Board of Directors) 1. ç§≥–°√√¡°“√é ¡’Õ”π“®Àπâ“∑’ËÕ
consequences, and thus ease potential problems from lending, comprise four major elements, namely leadership and responsible lending commitment, stakeholder engagement, internal implementation mechanisms, and
trading. B. Entities Providing Liquidity. If any entity has made a firm commitment to act as intermediary for the debt securities in secondary market trading, such as market maker providing liquidity
considered and validated KUB to be traded in the digital asset exchange by non-compliance with the Listing Rule approved by the SEC and disregard for the conflict of interest prevention measure. DAB Act S
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol announced that SEC has issued a measure allowing asset management companies to borrow money or enter into a repurchase transaction agreement to better