Concession Contracts including of the obligation for extensions of the MRT Pink Line Project and the MRT Yellow Line Project with Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand ("MRTA"). The MRT Pink Line Project
business overseas. VGM has recently expanded its footprint into Indonesia, securing a 20-year concession to manage Transit media in North-South line – the first mass transit system in Jakarta. In the end
ประเทศเลือกที่จะให้บริกำรในไทย เฉพำะในวงจ ำกัด ท ำให้ผู้ลงทุนทั่วไป (mass market) เสียโอกำสและเสียเปรียบผู้ลงทุนรำยใหญ่ในกำรเข้ำถึง บริกำร และอำจท ำให้เป็นกำรปิดกั้นนวัตกรรมใหม่ ๆ ที่จะเป็นประโยชน์กับผู้
69% of total borrowings and weight average funding cost for the fiscal year 2017 was decreased 3.37% from 3.62% in the fiscal year 2016. • Net Income In the fiscal year ended February 28, 2018, the
borrowing, which is 71% of total borrowings and weight average funding cost for the fiscal year 2016 was decreased 3.62% from 3.96% in the fiscal year 2015. • Net Income In the fiscal year 2016, the Company’s
the world market compared to the same period of the previous year as well as the rise in weight of sales of sheet, coil and pipe have increased in line with the economic conditions in the country, which
mainly locking in long-term borrowing, which is 75% of total borrowings. The weight average funding cost in the fourth quarter of 2018 was at 3.07% same as previous quarter 3.06% but reduced from 3.37% in
year, on top of 2018 on-going saving programs, our focuses will be on warehouse and distribution optimization, packaging optimization, new lighter weight bottles and more formulation optimization. The
sale weight of stainless steel sheet, coils and exhausted pipes increased in line with the economic conditions in the country, which has continued to grow due to the continuous economic stimulus of the
tools, facilitate fund mobilization, and increase effectiveness of market supervision and enforcement. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?Global changes carry much weight with the