to pursue future growth. Our dividend policy is to pay a minimum of 70% of net profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth
to pursue future growth. Our dividend policy is to pay a minimum of 70% of net profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth
minimum of 70% of net profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth prospects in any changing circumstances. The dividend payment
decrease rate of 10.16 percent. The revenue decrease was caused by the high competition in the battery industry resulting in the deceleration in domestic sales. Moreover, lead which is the main raw material
of company, company could not secure the new backlog. The proceed from capital increase shall allow the company to relieve the financial constraint which lead to more flexible position of the working
relieve the financial constraint which lead to more flexible position of the working capital in order to achieve the target backlogs. The backlog securing of company, however, depends on the result of
relieve the financial constraint which lead to more flexible position of the working capital in order to achieve the target backlogs. The backlog securing of company, however, depends on the result of
เงิน (FA) และผูจัดจําหนายหลักทรพัย ที่มีสวนรวมในการกําหนดราคา (lead underwriter) ซ้ือหรือขายหุน (รวมถึง NVDR ที่มีหุนดังกลาว เปนหลักทรัพยอางอิง) ที่ตนรับเปนที่ปรึกษาหรือรับจัดจาํหนายแลวแต
exceeding Baht 5,600,000.- (including VAT) Above transaction came under the scope of connected transactions for listed companies as specified in The Notification of The Capital Market Supervisory Board No
: Transactions relating to assets and services Transaction volume : Baht 2,400,000.- (including VAT) Above transaction came under the scope of connected transactions for listed companies as specified in The