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ถือครองหลักทรัพย์แทนบุคคลดังกล่าว 6. วิธีการรายงาน ยื่นแบบ hard copy ต่อส านักงาน ยื่นแบบด้วยวิธีอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ต่อส านักงาน เปรียบเทียบการรายงานตามมาตรา 59 ระหว่างกฎเกณฑ์เดิมและกฎเกณฑ์ใหม่ (ต่อ) 3
2021 3 No. Question Answer Applicants may submit hard copies of the application documents at the SEC office during business days at 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (BKK time) or submit soft copies by email to
ให้นำส่งเป็น hard copy 1. การลง https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/8561a0.docx complaint-form-general-en.docx / derivatives / digital asset intermediaries e.g. securities company/broker, asset management
), to offset the impact of the tightened liquidity. Overall, loans of Thai commercial banks, both corporate and retail loans, were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, the Bank of
services as compared to 85.4% in 2017. This is a good indicator that customers are warming up to outsourcing as they undergo their own journey of HR transformation. 2. Financial position Table 4: Overall
Green Bond Framework under which it plans to finance and refinance, in whole or in part, eligible green assets. Source: ICBC Case studies 10 ICBC’s first green bond ▪ Journey of green bond issuance
audience throughout the entire customer journey. Back in 2017, although VGI had considered various sources to assess the size of the advertising market, it was not able to obtain consistent information as
journey on the BTS by enabling users to bind their existing rabbit card with Rabbit Line Pay e-wallet into a single source of fund. It represents a major milestone in the shared mission of both companies in
Journey to your Dream? Project. Also, the cooperation between the SEC and 17 alliances has been founded in the Project called ?Financial Literacy: Road to Thailand?s Prosperity?, On the promotion and