year that gross profit margin was 15.79%. This is due to last year the Company’s benefit from steel price rise from lowest price in year 2015. 4. Administrative expenses were Baht 289.07 million
increased because the unit sale price decrease as mentioned above. Also, Sweet corn price and can packaging price, which are major portion of costs, increased in year 2018. Gross profit The company has gross
wishes to submit herewith explanation and analysis of the Management as follows. 1. Income, gross profit, net profit Unit : Million Baht 1. Income 2019 2018 2017 Increase (decrease) 2019-2018 1.1
cost related to the issuance of the Warrants to Purchase the Ordinary Shares (HPT-W1) and the employee benefit cost (The Labor Protection Act No.7 B.E. 2562). Net profit and Net profit margin For the
Year 2017 Page 2 of 15 2015 2016 2017 MB % MB % MB % Employee benefit obligations 338.88 2.26 365.94 2.26 384.97 2.22 Advance Received for Rental Income from Associate 107.29 0.72 99.43 0.62 91.58 0.53
beginning of this year which allows the Company to benefit from economies of scale. • Gross Profit margin in Q4/2022 was 62.9%, increased from 59.6% in Q4/2021, and Gross Profit margin in 2022 was 63.1
makers from public and private sectors and worldwide scholars are expected to participate and share their viewpoints and experiences which could benefit enhancement of national competitiveness
year. Other income for Q2, 2019 are 0.66 million baht which comparable to 0.84 million bath last year with no significantly transaction changes. 2. Cost of sale , Profit margin For Quarter2 of the year
production efficiency, reduce cost of production in the future, and support more sales volume in the future also in the year 2018 the Company increasing the rate of benefit of an employee who has past service
efficiency, reduce cost of production in the future, and support more sales volume in the future also in the year 2018 the Company increasing the rate of benefit of an employee who has past service 20 years to