applying for license, if the applicant requests to restrict the scope of its securities borrowing and lending business in any way, then 11 As added by the Notification of the Securities and Exchange
. In the case where the Office requests the management company to explain or to provide additional documents within a specified period, if the management company does not comply nor proceed within the
company in writing that the Office has received complete documents. In the case where the Office requests the management company to explain or to provide additional documents within a specified period, if
conduct the case in such a way that sufficiently and justly protects the rights of the class, or that the counsel for the plaintiff requests to withdraw from the class action; (5) a right to request a
response to requests from decision makers. IPIECA IPIECA develops, shares and promotes good practice and knowledge to help the industry and improve its environmental and social
be property fund manager requests for the letter showing the result of the renewal application referred in the second paragraph, such person shall submit the request form as prescribed in the Office’s
renewal to be listed in the register of person qualified to be property fund manager requests for the letter showing the result of the renewal application referred in the second paragraph, such person shall
renewal to be listed in the register of person qualified to be property fund manager requests for the letter showing the result of the renewal application referred in the second paragraph, such person shall
เบอร ์ใหเ้ลอืกระบุตน้เหตุ จาก o Denial of Service (การถูกโจมตโีดยท าให ้service ของเวบ็ไซตน์ัน้ไม่ สามารถท างานได ้โดยการส่งค ารอ้งขอ requests เขา้มาเป็นจ านวนมาก) o Ransomware (การถูกเขา้รหสัหรอืลอ็ค
. During 1Q21, the Bank has received additional requests for financial assistance but the number of requests so far has been small. For customers requiring financial assistance, the Bank has been assisting