ผู้ถือหุน้โดยนัย (Implied Book Value) (6) = (4) + (5) 10,355,992.04 7 จ านวนหุน้ที่ช าระแลว้ทัง้หมด3 (หุน้) 120,000.00 8 มูลค่าตามบัญชีต่อหุน้ (บาทต่อหุน้) (8) = (6) / (7) 86.30 หมายเหต ุ: 1/ อา้งอิงจาก
Thailand Taxonomy Board The Thailand Taxonomy Board is established to develop Thailand Taxonomy, a classification system of economic activities deemed as environmentally-sustainable. The Board comprises agencies from both the public and private sectors to ensure all sectors’ views are reflected. In the initial phase, the list of agencies is as follows: 1. Bank of Thailand (BOT)* 2. The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC)* 3. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and...
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