Mr. Thanya Kitchainukul Mr. Thanya Kitchainukul, Head of Credit Department, who is responsible for the operation of Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited, shall be liable for Ngern Tid Lor Public
compliance unit (Head of Compliance) to the SEC through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within May 12, 2023. However, FL reported the discontinuation of such a person on May 16, 2023. SEC
compliance unit (Head of Compliance) to the SEC through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within May 13, 2023. However, FL reported the appointment of such a person on March 7, 2023. SEC
นัดบัความน่าเชือ่ถอืของคูส่ญัญาหรอืผูอ้อก varchar(2) Y ชดุ code ทีก่ าหนด (รหัสสถาบันจัดอนัดบัความน่าเชือ่ถอื) 17 Fee / Periodic fee (Swap) คา่ธรรมเนยีมรับ/จา่ย (Periodic fee กรณี swap) (บาท) Decimal
purchasing or selling orders from customers outside its head office or branch offices unless otherwise specified by the Office; (7) purchase or hold shares, except: (a) those acquired in the course of
Governance Center. Assistant Secretary-General Waratchya Srimachand is the Head of this Division. 1.2 Market Intermediaries Division led by Assistant Secretary-General Paralee Sukonthaman. This
purchasing or selling orders from customers outside its head office or branch offices unless otherwise specified by the Office; (7) purchase or hold shares, except: (a) those acquired in the course of
ตรวจสอบไดค้รบถว้น และเสนอรายงานต่อคณะกรรมการของผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจไดท้นัรอบการประชุมของคณะกรรมการ ซ่ึงมีค่อนขา้งจ ากดั 1.2 การขยายกรอบระยะเวลาการแจง้การแต่งตั้งและการส้ินสุดการแต่งตั้ง head of compliance ให
business and non-recurring acquisition-related costs from overseas investments. 2. Operating Performance of the Company for the six-month period ended 30 June 2017 2.1 Revenues The total revenues of the
Solutions grew by THB 35.31 million or 13.43% from the recognition of license income and implementation fee from projects in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as, organic growth in recurring outsourcing income