hearing last year in order to make the rules practical for the business operators. The consultation paper on the draft regulations is available at www.sec.or.th/hearing or contact the Intermediaries
clarification on practical aspects of compliance.
proper and practical regulations, taking into account the best interest of investors and the capital market as a whole. The hearing is only the first step; there is much more to be done for the development
restrictions or obstacles in business operations in order to prescribe rules which are appropriate, practical and beneficial to stakeholders. This revision of notifications is not applicable to securities
give support by proving various forms of training so that the listed companies can apply CG Code in a more practical way and suitable to their organizational contexts
the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand. This certificate demonstrates that the Company’s operational management and control systems are in high standards 5and being recognized internationally. 3. The
Asset Management Public Company Limited Contents 1. Key Highlights in Q1/2020 2. Key Changes to Accounting Principles (TFRS 9) 3. Management Discussion and Analysis 3.1. Selected Financial Position and
. Management Discussion and Analysis 3.1. Selected Financial Position and Operating Results 3.2. Cash Collection from NPLs and NPAs Management Businesses 3.3. NPLs by Portfolio Concentration 3.4. NPAs
terminated due to the unsuccessfulness of the mediation, as the case may be. If the claimant fails to notify the list of his selected arbitrators within such period of time, it shall be deemed that the
statement of claim or the date on which the mediation of dispute is terminated due to the unsuccessfulness of the mediation, as the case may be. If the claimant fails to notify the list of his selected