prices as well as the decline in public and private consumption. The tourism industry, especially in the hotel, transportation and restaurant businesses, was hard hit by the impact of COVID-19 outbreak
investment Cash Purchase of investment in subsidiary and affiliated Sale of investment in subsidiary and affiliated Cash spending for Purchase of property, plant and equipment Cash receiving from sale of
Cash spending for Purchase of property, plant and equipment Cash receiving from sale of property, plant and equipment Net cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities
investment in subsidiary and affiliated Cash spending for Purchase of property, plant and equipment Cash receiving from sale of property, plant and equipment Net cash flows from investing activities Cash flows
ข้อก าหนดสิทธิ + ร่างสัญญาแต่งตัง้ผู้แทนผู้ถือหุ้นกู้ (ถ้ามี) hard copy ส่ง feature ตราสาร ยกเว้นตราสารระยะสัน้ ให้ปฏิบตัิดงันี ้ - บนัทกึใน IPOS โดยไมต้่องสง่ hard copy หรือ - บนัทกึ feature ในขัน้ตอน
-Vitt contribution in the 2H’20. Selling and administrative expenses (SG&A) level of spending was at 22.7% of sales, slightly lower YoY. Our actions were to focus on core products and defend profit with a
exhibited signs of ongoing growth, driven largely by exports and tourism. This is in line with the overall global economic improvement. Domestic spending enjoyed promising growth, as evidenced by brighter
ก าหนดสิทธิ + ร่างสัญญาแต่งตัง้ผู้แทนผู้ถือหุ้นกู้ ส่ง feature ตราสาร ยกเว้นตราสารระยะสัน้ ให้ปฏิบตัิดงันี ้ - บนัทกึใน IPOS โดยไมต้่องสง่ hard copy หรือ - บนัทกึ feature ในขัน้ตอนจดัท ารายงานผล การ
USD 14,070,000, or equivalent to THB 485,544,756.67 (the “2nd Loan Portion”), where the Company shall be entitled to utilize the 2nd Loan Portion as capital expenditure, for business operation, as
million sq.ft /month 4Q 2019 (Plan) 1.85 million sq.ft /month Table 7: Capital Expenditure CAPEX Plan in 2019 USD 8.0 million Actual Spend in 1Q19 USD 2.9 million Forwarded for your information. Sincerely