fair, efficient and transparent; and the reduction of systemic risk.3 Quality and integrity of the credit rating process CRAs should endeavour to issue opinions that help reduce the asymmetry of
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
company should arrange an information management system according to the following guidelines: (1) putting in place an efficient information management system that is capable of processing accurate and up
year of 2019 and more efficient cost management that caused selling and administrative expense to decrease by 1.5% from the year of 2018. For the branches expansion in the year of 2019, the company
. (4) establishing an efficient system for recording, collecting and processing data and a data backup system as an alternative in cases where retrieval for use of such data cannot be done; (5
climate change adaptation in 2021 version: “including efforts to make infrastructure more resilient to impacts of climate change” • “Eco-efficient and/or circular economy adapted products production
alternative for investors and fund raisers with an efficient mechanism for investor empowerment and, in its capacity as a firm and fair regulator, assure integrity of the marketplace, intermediaries and
• Small family-owned enterprises engaged in regular economic activity Employment generation (SMEs financing) • MSMEs including smaller ones and those with limited, less favourable, or even no access to
reporting lines are clearly defined in conformity with the good internal control principle. We also emphasize thorough, accurate and regular disclosures on risk management and capital to the public. 3 Details