company and the unitholders; (7) the money borrowing or creation of encumbrances on a fund’s assets; (8) the liquidation of a fund. In the case where no specific notifications prescribe the rules related to
company and the unitholders; (7) the money borrowing or creation of encumbrances on a fund’s assets; (8) the liquidation of a fund. In the case where no specific notifications prescribe the rules related to
prevention of conflicts of interest between the management company and the unitholders; (7) the money borrowing or creation of encumbrances on a fund ’s assets; (8) the liquidation of a fund . In the case
, recovery and collection processes. Credit Risk Management Credit Risk Management Policy To achieve sustainable growth, our credit strategy focuses on a balance between portfolio value creation and protection
learning and/or research and development centres • Training programmes in favour of vulnerable groups Supporting MSMEs for the creation and preservation of viable jobs Projects facilitating access to credit
ทสามารถศกึษารายละเอยีดเพิม่เตมิไดต้ามคูม่อื แบบ 56-1 One Report ) ESG จากตัวอยา่งของบรษัิททีไ่ดใ้ชก้รอบการเปิดเผย ขอ้มลู IIRC framework นัน้ input ใน value creation model ของ framework เป็น fixed assets
. Indeed, enterprises and investors increasingly recognise that sustainable development is at the very heart of long-term value creation. Moreover, failing to achieve the SDGs is a constraint on economic
resolution to approve the entering into the joint venture for the development of theme park project in CentralPhuket through the Joint Venture Company, namely Phenomenon Creation Company Limited, with the
the Development of Theme Park Project in CentralPhuket On 25 July 2017, the Company established a new joint venture, Phenomenon Creation Company Limited, to develop the Theme Park Project in
2022-2025, is the period of value creation when the Mixed Use project completion. The Company will realize the revenue from new business and also balancing the revenue from domestic and international as