นายจ้างและลูกจ้างของบริษัทจดทะเบียน กฎเกณฑ์ SHARE : Detail Content ตราสารทุน โครงการร่วมลงทุนระหว่างนายจ้างและลูกจ้างของบริษัทจดทะเบียน (Employee Joint Investment Program : EJIP) สรุปหลักเกณฑ์ กฎ
) Director, executive or controlling person of securities issuing company (2) Employee or worker of a securities issuing company who holds a position, or is in the line of work, is responsible for or capable
against an officer, an employee or any other persons hired to work for the securities company or company, whether by changing his position, job description or work place, suspending, threat, harassment, lay
) Director, executive or controlling person of securities issuing company (2) Employee or worker of a securities issuing company who holds a position, or is in the line of work, is responsible for or capable
the pension plan’s proceeds allocated or reserved by the employer or saved by the employee in segregation from any other proceeds, for the purpose of making payment upon the resignation of employee
against an officer, an employee or any other persons hired to work for the securities company or company, whether by changing his position, job description or work place, suspending, threat, harassment, lay
employee and recognized provision for doubtful accounts from related parties. The subsidiary recognized impairment loss of digital terrestrial television license & right for broadcasting related to the
trade and other payables, and provision for long-term employee benefits decreased. Shareholders’ equity up 13.37 million Baht, main reason came unappropriated retained (deficit) earnings and other
, the Company had expenses related to the issuance of employee stock option program amounting to Baht 22.50 million. 3. Others income an amount of THB 17.53 million, consisted of the dividend income and
, included by - the exchange gain of Baht 1.78 million; - the record of additional provision for long-term employee benefits of Baht 4.58 million (as shown under Administrative Expenses) to comply with the